Just in case you don't know what a Yunomi is, here's the scoop...more or less.
A yunomi is a small cup, usually used for tea in a traditional Japanese tea ceremony. The walls are generally thick enough so that the cup can be held while full of the tea. (Or, some say, the tea should never be so hot that you cannot hold the cup in your hand.) There is a more detailed description of what a Yunomi is but I won't bore you with the details. Mind you, you can use these for any drink you prefer and you don't really have to have a ceremony before you use them.
What I DO want to know is....which glaze is most appealing to you? Go to my etsy shop...(you can click on my shop link on the right side of this blog or go to www.artsielady.etsy.com to see additional views (you get a better feel for what they look like). Extra chance in the drawing if you make a Yunomi a favorite ( give it a heart).
Post a comment on this blog and at the end of August I will draw a name for that lucky person to receive a Yunomi. You know me.....I'll do it!